About RMIS Corporation
Executive Statement
Our core business is supplying customers. We will deliver the product, the service, or the person you require to support your business operations to the location of your choice. Your need is our priority. Whether it’s steel girders for a commercial building, landscaping for the plant entrance or bags of candy for the office. When you call, our response is, “yes, we provide that.”
We started in 1978 with a determination to build a reputation for superior customer service. We believed in a commitment to excellence, personal integrity and delivering what we promised to our customers. We still do.
When we rented the old building at the beginning it was furnished with a couple of lawn chairs, a telephone and a yellow legal pad. But we delivered what we said we would. And for us, that made it worth it.
At first, we concentrated on mine supplies. But we decided that rather than sell a select inventory of products to a variety of customers, we preferred to develop ongoing relationships with customers and supply everything they needed for their entire operation.
Through this personal approach, we began to understand our customer’s need and even anticipate them. We learned to be creative in our methods, to solve problems and to build trust. We also became very adept at acquiring whatever a customer requested. In the process, we began to acquire whole companies.
As our business grew, we moved into our new building, added more phones and a whole box of yellow legal pads. Our acquisitions continued to expand as did our customer base. We decided we must be on to something.
Today, we own 7 companies that work together for the same driving purpose: To supply everything our customer needs. Our access to products and services crosses the breadth of mining, commercial and industrial operations. We provide everything you can think of and things you probably would never imagine. That’s because our original commitment remains unchanged. Just give us a call. Our answer is still, “Yes, we provide that.”
We take a hands-on, management approach and our management team works alongside the rest of our staff. That’s because our focus is on the needs of our customers and not position status within our company. All of our companies operate under the same administrative structure.
The management team is streamlined for effective decision-making, a high level of teamwork and efficient customer response. Team members work closely with one another onsite and with the management team at our other companies. If what you need is not at your local facility, we’ll network with everyone else to find it and get it to you. It’s as simple as that.
Each management team operates independently and is fully authorized to handle problems and make decisions at the local level. Your request is never delayed by a decision going up a corporate ladder. And decisions are always based on the best interest of the customer. This significantly speeds up response time and increases customer satisfaction. In addition, when you are a customer, you receive complete contact information for our entire management team including e-mail addresses, office phone numbers, cell phone numbers and home numbers. You will always be able to reach someone that can respond to you in a timely manner.
Each location is staffed with the following positions. All three are equal. They do not work for one another, but they do work together for the customer.
Warehouse Manager: Oversees the warehouse. He schedules all customer deliveries, receiving and shipping supplies and tracking inventory.
Inside Sales and Purchasing Manager: Buys products, tracks inventory, communicates with customers, transacts sales, and solves problems with customers and vendors.
Administrative Manager: Sets up new credit, supervises accounts receivable and accounts payable, handles billing, manages information systems and oversees the rest of staff.
Warehouse Locations
Monday thru Friday – 8:00 am till 5:00 pm
We provide our customers with emergency numbers to contact sales personnel and technical assistance at all times, even after hours.
Mount Hope, West Virginia
The inventory at RMIS is designed to meet the needs of the coal producer and the industrial market. Its diversity ranges from water to tools to track switches. We have disposable supplies that are integral parts of day-to-day mining operations and the ability to provide products from point of origin to final use. RMIS also maintains an inventory of used conveyor belts, structure, and equipment to sell to customers at a price considerably less than the cost of new materials. Our employees will retrieve those items from job sites, or we will purchase materials delivered to our location(s).

RMIS Corporation – Graham, KY specializes in supplying MRO items, welding and fabrication services to the mining and Industrial companies throughout the Illinois Coal Basin and beyond. At RMIS our customer service is unparalleled, we realize that your business is a privilege and we strive to meet your needs through our dedicated team of employees. In addition to our large in-house inventories RMIS also has a vast network of manufacturers and suppliers focused on ensuring your needs are met in both a cost-effective and timely manner.

RMIS Corporation
1500 Mill Creek Road
Mount Hope, WV 25880
Phone: (304) 877-5503
Fax: (304) 877-5684
RMIS Corporation
Engineering & Construction
Route 2 Box 344
Fayetteville, WV 25840
Phone: (304) 574-3139
Fax: (304) 574-3165
RMIS Corporation
1100 State Route 175 South
Graham, KY 42344
Phone: (270) 338-4040
Fax: (270) 338-9520